Forest School - I went on a training session for helpers at a local school. It was held on private grounds under a parachute tent where we were greeted by a forest leader, with a blazing fire and a pot of water ready for a brew. The logs were set around in a circle for us all to sit. It was pouring with rain but the shelter and the fire kept us warm and dry. Why am I telling you this? Well, this is part of what my daughters school is involved with and I love the outdoors and I want to teach my own children as well as others how wonderful the outdoors is.
The children learn about the forest, safety and play games to name but a few things. It also gets them outside and teach them to be independent, work as a team and get creative with their surroundings. Today on our forest session with the children, one group draw pictures of what they saw, another group went to explore the pond and my group made a collage with fallen leaves, twigs, bark to make a wonderful picture on the grass with natural items. The kids really enjoyed it, even though it was pouring with rain.
Get outdoors, learn to play and get dirty.