Saturday, October 19, 2013

Halloween is Coming.

At Art Knapp garden centre; one of the Hallowe'en displays.

Their displays are fantastic. They have a haunted house which my eldest insisted on going into, it was pretty, scary and awesome, in her words. They have free and paid activities for different age groups which I think is fantastic. There is a horse carousal, crazy golf, bouncy castle, climbing frame, swing tyres, photo opportunities and more.

Great times.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Ice Skating for Kids

I just love how kids can take a task and get on with it. Should they fall they get back up, nothing phases them too much. It has been a few years since we took the kids skating, well actually I skated as a kid but have not been on the ice since. The girls are taking to the ice nicely. Lots of tumbles but they are learning to get back up, not to be defeated and practice, practice, practice. 

I love the lessons in life.