Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday night is movie night

As a household we seem to lack those family memories that we aspire to build for our children. So now we have a family ritual, it happened out of desperation.

I was at home alone with the kids for a few days and to get them to cooperate and also to add a distraction (really its a bribe to get them to behave), I told them that if they were good on Friday after school we would have pizza, popcorn and movie night. It was a huge hit and the ritual lives on, (I have only been doing it since they started school). It seems to be working and they really enjoy the evening. They choose whatever movie they want to watch (it was the Incredibles for several weeks) and we all watch the film with all the trimmings. It means we get an easy, relaxed night once a week. 

This week we are watching the Fox and the Hound (we have 1 and 2), it has been an age since I watched it and I have never seen the second one so it will be exciting for us all to watch. No doubt  I will get the inevitable, "I AM HUNGRY MUMMY" or "I AM THIRSTY", half way through the film which means I will watch it piecemeal. Over the next several weeks when we watch the film over and over again, I will realise that I have missed big chunks of the movie and notice the little things that are really important, or funny or just awesome. 

The wonders of parenting, I would not have it any other way!!!

NOTE: Did you notice that I used film and movie, the North American and English language differentiation. I also use ladybug instead of ladybird I prefer ladybug to ladybird but I should confirm that I am English.


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